Not only in the elderly (elderly), strokes can also occur at a much younger age you know. According to data from the Ministry of Health, stroke is one of the leading causes of death in almost all hospitals in Indonesia. Before a stroke threatens, you can change your daily habits to become healthier.
Stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted due to bleeding or blockage of blood. Even more dangerous, strokes in young adulthood do not always have specific symptoms, thus making the diagnosis often late and causing permanent disability.
Starting from Daily Habits
The risk of stroke increases if you have excess weight or obesity, high cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure. In addition, blood vessel disorders, such as blocked arteries (atherosclerosis) or abnormalities in the structure of blood vessels in the brain, can also cause strokes. Living a healthy lifestyle as part of good habits that are lived every day, can reduce the risk of stroke. Here are some things that are recommended for a healthier lifestyle:Improve diet
Unhealthy eating patterns can increase blood pressure and cholesterol levels thereby increasing the risk of stroke. Start to improve your diet by limiting salt consumption so that it's not excessive, which is no more than one teaspoon a day.
In addition, set a healthy and nutritionally balanced diet, choose low-fat foods, increase consumption of vegetables, fruit and whole grains. You can also choose fish, chicken and lean meat. Reduce eating fast food and oily foods, and limit consumption of alcoholic drinks that can increase blood pressure, weight, and increase the risk of stroke in the long run.
Exercise regularly
Being overweight and being less active can increase the risk of stroke. Regular exercise can help maintain weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels remain normal. Come on, try to move actively at least 30 minutes per day, equivalent to 2.5 hours per week, for example by walking fast or cycling.
Quit smoking
Smoking can constrict arteries, increasing the risk of blood clots and strokes. Therefore, you should immediately stop smoking. Also try not to become passive smokers. Often around smokers and inhaling cigarette smoke risks causing a stroke as well you know.
Manage stress
Be careful, women are twice as likely to experience anxiety disorders and depression than men. Stress can trigger the body to release hormones that can increase blood vessel tension, so that blood pressure will increase.
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